
Klosterkirche St. Nikolaus, Göttingen-Nikolausberg

6th till 30th of November

### already closed ###

Kirchengemeinde Gemünd

9th of July till 3rd of September

Kirchengemeinde St. Nicolai Lüneburg

9th of October till 13th of November

The Hadamar Memorial

22th of March 6pm

commemoration ceremony

including a lecture and exhibition opening

Untere Stadtkirche Wetzlar

opening event 9th of November 2015, 6pm

opening hours:

13th of November 2015 1pm - 7pm

20th of November 2015 1pm - 7pm

27th of November 2015 - 31th of December 2015 Monday - Friday 3pm - 7 pm, Saturday and Sunday 1pm - 7pm

closing event at 18th of December 6pm

Here you find find pictures

Admission free!

St. Thomas Kirche, Rothenburgsort

1th of March 2015 till Good Friday

Ev. Kirchengemeinde Charlottenburg-Nord

19th of July 2015 - 5th of September 2015